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Xi'an QinKai Biotech Co., Ltd.
Add:  Building 18, District I, Enterprise Accelerator of Xi'an Hi-Tech Industries
Development Zone, Caotang, Huyi District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
Contact:  Mr. Tuo     

                Mr. Ge      15509226999         624457321@qq.com
Tel:  +8629-88352856 
Fax:  +8629-88323691

Website:  m.uvyn.com.cn

Paricalcitol and Intermediates

Current page:Home > Paricalcitol and Intermediates
Product name
CAS NO Structure type
131918-61-1 Paricalcitol
2186604-89-5 Paricalcitol intermediate N-1
139356-39-1 Paricalcitol intermediate A
95716-69-1 Paricalcitol intermediate CD
1227926-70-6 Paricalcitol intermediate
957214-02-7 Paricalcitol intermediate

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